Perpetua Resources Corp (PPTA) Performance and Fundamentals Dashboard tells a completely different story

With 0.59 million shares changed hands, the volume of the stock remained lighter than its average volume of 0.91 million shares. The 52-week range on PPTA shows that it touched its highest point at $13.23 and its lowest point at $3.68 during that stretch. It currently has a 1-year price target of $18.09. Beta for the stock currently stands at 1.12.

Price Performance and Earnings:

Stock performance is one of the indicators that investors use to determine whether they will profit from a stock. The price performance of PPTA was up-trending over the past week, with a rise of 3.26%, but this was down by -27.61% over a month. Three-month performance dropped to -16.34% while six-month performance rose 9.52%. The stock gained 139.46% in the past year, while it has lost -16.96% so far this year. A look at the trailing 12-month EPS for PPTA yields -0.22 with Next year EPS estimates of -0.17. For the next quarter, that number is -0.09. This implies an EPS growth rate of 28.89% for this year and 21.87% for next year. EPS is expected to decline by -14.47% annually over the next five years; however, over the past five years, the company experienced an annual growth rate of 32.88%.

Float and Shares Shorts:

At present, 70.17 million PPTA shares are outstanding with a float of 69.71 million shares on hand for trading.

Analysts Ratings:

Reading analyst opinions is an effective way to decide where to invest, and there are several opinions available for PPTA since 1 analysts follow the stock currently. There are 1 analysts who recommend BUY ratings, while 0 suggest SELL ratings. Of the remaining analysts, 0 believe that the stock is worth HOLDING, 0 give it an OVERWEIGHT rating, and 0 thinks that it’s UNDERWEIGHT. In the same way, a target price assigned to a stock can also reveal much about its potential.

EPS: Estimates vs Actual

It is also common to use earnings estimates to evaluate a firm’s growth potential and to determine trading strategy. Analysts have provided yearly estimates in a range of -$0.19301 being high and -$0.25396 being low. For PPTA, this leads to a yearly average estimate of -$0.21333. Based on analyst estimates, the high estimate for the next quarter is -$0.02 and the low estimate is -$0.02. The average estimate for the next quarter is thus -$0.02.